Friday, April 8, 2011

Watch the Dr. Seuss cartoon posted to the blog. Post a thoughtful response to the movie on our blog. Your response should address your intitial reactions to the film, what you think the film reveals about prejudice, who the star-bellies are in your community, school, etc..., and any other reactions/responses/connections you have to the story. How does this film connect to Willie McGee and the Scottsboro Boys? How does this story connect to the world we live in today? How might this film connect to the novel we have just started?


  1. When I watch this film I think of segregation. All the star bellies were better than the non-star bellies and I found that wrong. If the man did not come and replace stars with no stars and no stars with stars the sneetches wouldn't have realized they are all the same. The film reveals prejudice because one group felt negatively towards another group (star bellies toward the non-star bellies). The star bellies in our community are the people who are good at sports and are good with interacting with people. This film connects to Willie McGee just by saying the star bellies were white and the non-star bellies were black. Willie was a black man and he lost in court exactly because of that reason. The Scottsboro Boys relate just the same way except they received the easier end by everyone being released. I feel the Scottsboro Boys are closer in relativity than Willie McGee because everything was resolved in the correct manner. All in all everyone realized we were created equally no matter the color or ethnicity. The novel we just started connects to this because the Radley's that are always inside and quieter than them, the neighbors feel they are different and don't want to have anything to do with them. That's how I feel especially when these people never met the Radley's.

  2. My reaction to this was that it was definitely about segregation because one species was being treated better than the other. The star-bellied sneetches were treated better than the non star-bellied sneetches. So,in this case,the star-bellied sneetches would be the whites and the non star-bellied sneetches would be the blacks.This video was similar to Willie Mcgee and the Scottsboro boys because in both cases they were treated a certain way based on what they looked like.
