Monday, April 11, 2011


My inital reaction was segregation. Segregation was just about the same thing as what the star bellied sneetches are doing. They are making the other sneetches feel like they are no one. They exclude them from every activity because they weren't worthy enough. The star bellied sneetches acted like they were the most important sneetches because they had stars on their bellies. The star bellied sneetches are like the white people in our community. They think they are better because of skin color. This story is just like the story about Willy McGee and The Scotsboro boys. All three stories have to do with segregation. For example, in the story of Willy McGee they blamed him for rape because a white women said so. They believe what the white person says just because they are white. In the Scotsboro boys, again, they believed the two white girls over the boys because they were white. And now in the Sneetches, they think the non-starred bellied sneetches have done something wrong because they don't have a star. In the world today it isn't this bad anymore. We still have some problems with it but it's not too bad anymore. This story of the Sneetches has similarites To Kill A Mockingbird. It all has to do with the way people look. It seems to be against the law to have a different skin color, or a starred belly. We are all humans. We are all the same.

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