Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Geoff Pucci- TKAM/ 1930s Inventions

In today’s world we take everything for granted. All our items are so high tech and we give all the credit to the inventors of today. What about the inventors in the early 1900s such as the 1930s? Why don’t they receive credit for starting off everything we know today? Sure the people of today take the old items and make them more advanced, but without the items of the ‘30s we would have absolutely nothing to advance.

Did you know that the jet engine was first invented in 1930 by Frank Whittle and Dr Hans von Ohain. Without the jet engine where would our military be today? Would we have ever broken the sound barrier or perhaps could we even trust the president to get around safely in an aircraft not traveling at hundreds of miles per hour. Even the Polaroid camera was invented and without that you couldn’t quickly see all of your precious memories

For all of the science geeks try and imagine life without the electron microscope, and for you older folks think of life without canned beer. Maybe for some of us how would life be if LSD wasn’t first synthesized during this time? (

All I’m trying to say here is that we can’t forget the past because we are so far ahead in technology because without the past inventions today would be completely different. Without the 1930s the world as you know it would be changed: like no jet engine, no Polaroid pictures, and especially NO canned beer!!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. This wasn't anything but nonsensical writing about the 1930's. It had a point yes, but no solid base. I give you a C- !
